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Productive week at Garden & Grow Club 26/11/24

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This week we had a very productive week at Garden & Grow Club! We split off into small groups and managed to get lots of little jobs completed.

In one group, the children were busy splitting and potting on some house plants to be given away. This group also harvested some Hollyhock seeds and put them into envelopes to be given away. They were able to practice their neatest handwriting to write the name of the seeds on the envelopes. It’s lovely to be able to share our plants especially during the dark winter days, a nice house plant may brighten up somebody’s day.

Another group planted some English bluebell seeds and wild garlic ready for Spring in our new wildlife garden.

The beautiful Dahlias at the front of the school unfortunately got caught by the snow and frost that we had last week. So we had one group of children helping to dig out the tubers so that we can dry them out and save for planting again next year.