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Our curriculum is structured to give progression in knowledge and skills across all subjects from Reception through to Year 6. It is further enriched by focus weeks and days including Science Week, Mental Well-being Week and Sports Week.

The documents below show how the broad areas of the different subjects are distributed across the school years.

If you have any questions regarding the curriculum please contact Mrs Cast, Head Teacher


  • To cover the requirements of the National Curriculum and RE in a way that is relevant and engaging, with each subject distinct to the children, but the acquisition of learning from each, where appropriate, being linked and applied to a common purpose (‘Big Question’ and ‘Outcome’).
  • To have high expectations of all children, giving them the opportunity to excel in many different ways – an open-ended curriculum, with understanding that learning will be shared, often through gentle competition, public speaking, with an audience and for a purpose.
  • To increase the children’s knowledge of their local area and community, and how this compares and contrasts with the experience and contributions of diverse people living in different places and at different times, giving children a sense of both appreciation and of responsibility. Promoting diversity, inclusion and equality.
  • To reinforce the Christian distinctiveness of the school with clear consideration of how our ABC values are woven into the taught curriculum, so that our children are given a good understanding of Achieving (through wisdom and perseverance), Belonging (through respect and friendship) and Caring (through caring and compassion) along with structured opportunity to put these into action. To build opportunity for children to experience spiritual moments across the curriculum.
  • To support the well-being of children through specific themes (such as Cycle B Summer Term), varied and enjoyable experiences, providing opportunity to excel in a range of areas including creative and sport, time to reflect and RHSE.
  • To enhance and capitalise on the family-feel of the school – a community of learning, achieving and contributing by having whole school themes and big questions with final learning and outcomes shared. This will also enable the school to accommodate changes in class structures without repeated or missed learning and enable the staff to work in teams.
  • To increase retention of knowledge through a clear spiral of learning and regular reference to where new learning links to prior learning. Components building over time and leading to carefully designed composite tasks, with pupils applying their acquired learning.

three students smiling


The curriculum is spread over a 2-year cycle, to allow for mixed year group classes in future years and to enable team planning.

Each term begins with a whole school question – this is then further broken down into an enquiry question for each team – Orchard (YR, 1 and 2), Woodland (Y3 and 4) and Forest (Y5 and 6).

Although lessons are taught as discrete subjects, children will be told when the lesson is supporting them in reaching an answer to their question so that the lessons are purposeful and links to prior learning are made.

At the end of the term, children have a final outcome in which their learning is shared and the answer to their team’s and the whole school question is agreed.

As the whole school work on a whole school question and share their learning, over the 7 years in school, children will be thinking back to and making links to and building upon the learning they experienced themselves and heard from older children.

Not all subject areas naturally link into enquiry questions, but many have skills that will naturally support. For example, IT skills can be used to research and present learning for the enquiry, but computing need to be taught separately. Subjects usually planned separately are: Maths, Phonics, SPAG, Computing, RSHE, PE, MFL.

Teachers are given time termly to work in their planning teams to share ideas and expertise. They work from the termly framework document, supported by the subject knowledge progression maps to ensure coverage and progression.

This curriculum is evolving and needs to do so to keep pace with our changing world – where teachers have a new idea (for example a different text or artist to study) this is discussed and agreed with the subject leader.

Our topics are literature-rich with teachers using high-quality texts to engage and enrich children’s learning and to instil a love of reading.

Our curriculum is enriched by visitors, visits and residentials. This includes working with the local community.

Curriculum work begins in Foundation Stage, as part of the Orchard Team, with the Foundation Stage curriculum being linked to the team enquiry in a way that leads to their developmental needs. They will then revisit this in Year 2, when they will be able to build in depth on their existing knowledge.

students smiling in the playground


The curriculum is supplemented by special theme days and weeks. These are planned for a variety of reasons, such as national or community events, Christian festivals or for coverage of the curriculum and include Science Week, Sports Week, Odd Socks Day and Internet Safety Day.

In addition, a range of clubs are available, including choir, recorders, drama, sports and Spanish.

Bleasby Curriculum Cycle A Autumn Spring Summer
Theme and Big Question

British History Timeline

What can we learn from the past?
What did the people of the past give to us?

World Achievements

What difference does it make that we are part of a bigger world?
Does ancient history matter?

Plants & Habitats

Can we look after our world better?
Are we looking after our local environment?


Events Beyond Living Memory (British)

People that changed the world (range of cultures and genders)

Living Things, Their Habitats and Plants


Chronologically secure knowledge of British history

Early Britain

Stone Age to Iron Age

The impact of the Roman Empire on Britain

Ancient Civilisations: Romans & Egyptians

Living things. plants and their habitats and rocks/soil


How has farming and settlement impacted on Bleasby?

Chronologically secure knowledge of British history

Vikings, Anglo Saxons and Scots

Ancient Civilisations: Greeks & Benin

Living things, plants and their habitats and rocks/soil

Why is the River Trent so important to Bleasby?
Bleasby Curriculum Cycle B Autumn Spring Summer
Whole School Driver, Theme and Big Question

Contrasting and impactful periods in British History

When would you prefer to have lived?

Knowledge of the World


Why is it important to be globally connected

Animals & Healthy Bodies

Are we looking after our bodies as well as we could?

Victorians into changes within living memory

Houses, family life, toys, holidays. Local study

Would you like to be a Victorian?

Contrasting an area of UK with a non-European, non-american  country

How am I connected to India?

Animals including Humans


How can we look after our bodies?

Beyond 1066: Tudors


Tudors – Terrible or Terrific?

Contrasting an area of UK with Spain

How am I connected to Spain?

Animals including Humans

Are we making healthy choices?

World War II

How did WW2 change life in Britain?

Contrasting an area of UK with Brazil

How am I connected to Brazil?

Animals including Humans

How can I stay healthy in the future?


The phonics programme our school uses is called Rocket Phonics.

The progression maps below show how subject knowledge and skills are developed over time.