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Oak Class - Year 6


Welcome to Oak Class

We are a class of 24, responsible, caring and fun young people. We love our learning, and are looking forward to having the responsibilities of being the oldest class in the school and living out our schools ABC values. We will be caring and helpful towards the younger children, as well as setting a good example to all the children. We have the opportunity to take on a range of new responsibilities in Year 6. We will be prefects and play leaders at times during the year. Our prefect responsibilities will include: digital leaders, reading champions, Eco leaders and playground buddies. We will lead by example in our behaviours towards others and in and around school.

Mrs Price, Mrs Fieldwick and Mrs Cook are the adults that teach and help us.

PE Days


Oak class PE is Week A (begins 11/9/23) - Monday and Thursday

Week B (begins 18/9/23) - Friday

Your child will need to come into school in their PE kit on these days.

Our Learning for the Term

Please click on the link below to view details about our learning for this term.

Useful Links

Maths For Everyone



Grammar Glossary



BBC Bitesize






Reading for pleasure

Class Letters & Additional Information