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Bleasby School Friends Association (BSFA) is a registered charity that aims to raise money to help fund our lovely village school and enhance the learning experience of all of the children within our school.

BSFA Members smiling at camera

National government education cuts have meant the school’s budget has to stretch further than ever. The less pupils on roll means the less money the school receives. We aim to help reach our Head's vision of providing our children with a varied and enriching education and rely on support from Bleasby school families, friends and the entire community to achieve our mission of financially supporting our school to ensure our children have all of the provisions required to flourish in their education.

As a charity we have various different ways of raising money from school discos, Christmas and Summer fairs, cake sales, raffles, our break the rules day, easyfundraising website and app, AmazonSmile and we get involved in local community events such as The Dog Show and Apple Fest.

In January 2021 we completed a virtual walk from Land’s End to John O’Groats and set up our first ever crowdfunding page as we wanted to make it easy for supporters to donate. This year we are recreating our virtual walk heading from Bleasby School to the North Pole, a whopping 2553 miles, utilising GoFundMe for donations  

Team work is key to our success, we aim to meet at least once a month and everyone is welcome, either as a trustee or as a friend that wants to offer support in whatever capacity they can, we are always delighted to welcome new team members and ideas!  Please see our News and Events page for future meeting dates.

If you would like to get involved in any capacity, we’d love to welcome you onboard. Please make contact however suits you best;


Registered charity number: 1132098


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